Ways to get exclusive articles in Arabic
Our Arabic language is unfortunately a nuisance in the results of search engines and this is due to the arabic content on the Internet copied and repeated to a large extent and this is a problem suffered by many owners of Arab sites that offer exclusive content, because copies do not stop and many sites copy the content because they do not want To commission themselves to write new topics even if they are a profile or an introduction to their sites.
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Get exclusive articles in Arabic
After the recent update Google Panda became more strict towards the copied content and this update is the reason for the decline in the ranking of some sites in search results and punish others by permanently deleting google results and this problem prompted a large number of webmasters to try to get exclusive articles.
To get exclusive articles, you must first have a specific area to write in and then start writing what you are good at, even from your personal experience.
Read what has been written before about the field you have chosen from some foreign sites and can use some google translate alternatives to help you
How important is it to get exclusive articles?
Very important for search engines because they give priority to exclusive content.
Very important for visitors to the site as it makes you gain the confidence of visitors.
Help you spread the site and improve its appearance in search engines. Also publishing copied articles leads your site to decrease its ranking in search results.
I want to buy exclusive professional articles, what do I do?
In this case, write me through a page contact us and send me your request what kind of articles you want and how many articles you want, and I will communicate with you and send the price, duration and payment method and these articles are ready to issue search engines because SEO will work on-page for it and target the keywords you want With exclusive photos to be used in the article. We take initiatives and enhance entirely large sites in terms of content. The article costs 500 words ranging from $5 to $15.